
How we improve the environment and manage safety in your BID Area:

  • With the BID Safety Partnership which includes BID Police Officers, Radio Link Network, City Watch Officer & DISC Crime Alert Scheme.
  • With the BID Street Rangers who work 5 days a week providing additional cleansing services in the city including sticker removal, graffiti removal, painting, litter picking, jetwashing and signposting.
  • With Christmas,we fund over two thirds of Liverpool’s Christmas lights every year!

Environment & Safety

Managed District

We animate & promote BID Areas by:

  • With seasonal campaigns and events including Liverpool Restaurant Week, Yellow Monday, Student Takeover, ‘TOWN. Everyday. Everyone.’, Summer Celebrations, such as ‘Celebrating Bold Street’ and ‘Celebrating Castle Street’, Halloween and lots more.
  • With Christmas activity like Elfie Selfie in St Johns, Christmas Countdown and Christmas Crafts in Metquarter, plus festive campaigns ensuring visitors discover BID Levy Paying businesses.
  • Social Media promotions, managing pages for Bold Street, Castle Street, Hope Street and Mathew Street!
  • Submit your content for promotion here.

Marketing & Animation

Promoted District

We aim to increase connectivity for our BID Areas:

Connectivity & Transport

Connected District

We support our businesses championing their needs and priorities:

Business Support

Working District