Working safely during step 4 of the Covid-19 roadmap in England
The working safely during coronavirus guidance in England was updated on Monday 19 July as we have now reached step 4 of the roadmap. Some of the key aspects are noted below, although it’s important that businesses review all the relevant information as there includes much specific detail for each sector.
The guidance includes:
Businesses still have a legal duty to manage risks to those affected by their business. Every business should complete a risk assessment, which includes the risk of Covid-19. You can find useful information on how to do this via the Health and Safety Executive here (HSE).
Consult workers on how they work and how they may manage the risks from COVID-19, so that consensus can be built about the approach taken. (For example, this may include giving staff the choice to wear face coverings, despite this no longer being a legal requirement in close contact and retail settings).
Workers and customers that feel unwell must not attend the business venue/workplace.
It is advised that face coverings are ‘encouraged’ for workers or customers in enclosed and crowded spaces – although there is no longer a legal requirement in retail or close contact settings.
Consider using signage and visual aids to give people clear guidance on expected customer behaviour and how they can reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, including measures which they can take while in the store, venue or workplace, and that they should not enter if they are unwell.
It remains especially important to clean surfaces that receive a lot of contact from staff and customers.
Consider encouraging sanitisation measures, such as hand sanitizer and washing, and providing access to these measures on entry.
Consider reducing contact between people where practical, which could include minimising activity/contact time, the use of screens and barriers, and increased sanitisation measures.
Prioritise adequate ventilation throughout premises and small, enclosed spaces in particular – either using doors, windows and vents, or via mechanical ventilation.
Close contact services and betting shops are encouraged to continue to support NHS Test and Trace through the provision of NHS QR code posters and a manual record system for those without the app.
For restaurants, pubs, bars, nightclubs and takeaway services, you are encouraged to continue to support NHS Test and Trace through the provision of NHS QR code posters and a manual record system for those without the app. You do not have to ask people to check in or turn people away if they do not.
The government will work with organisations that operate large, crowded settings (for example, nightclubs) where people are likely to be in close proximity to a large number of those from other households to use the NHS COVID Pass as a condition of entry. The government will publish more guidance on using the NHS COVID Pass shortly.