Liverpool Pride is just around the corner. On Saturday 27 July, a programme of events will see Pride takeover Liverpool’s iconic waterfront, alongside the annual March.

Following on from last year’s record turn-out, LCR Pride are back at the city’s iconic Pier Head for an even bigger Pride in Liverpool festival – and as ever it’s free to attend! This year’s headline act, Katrina, formerly of Katrina and the Waves, will have Liverpool walking on sunshine as she spreads the love and shines a light on the main stage.

Pride isn’t merely another event in Liverpool’s busy cultural calendar. Pride is a protest and a moment for the city’s LGBTQ+ community to be both seen and heard. It is a time for solidarity and to address the ways in which, as a society, there is not full equality. We have made great strides, but there is still much work to be done, especially when we consider members of our city’s Trans community.

Over the years, many businesses have seen Pride as an opportunity to connect with a new audience to show their values and emphasise their solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community. There has been some backlash against corporate sponsorship of Pride events, but this is often rooted in a calling out of hypocrisy – Pride is all year round, not just a single weekend!

How can your business show your solidarity this Pride?

Create a space for everyone. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you are, whether you are based on a high street or within a corporate building, creating a space where everyone feels safe and welcome can extend from your staff to your customers. What does this look like? It can include dressing and decorating your space to visually display your allyship and support. From window dressing to commissioning an artist, if you’re at street level this helps to impact visibility in the public realm and remind members of the LGBTQ+ community that you’re a place that’s safe for them. This will also add to animation and activity during Pride in Liverpool itself.

A safe space doesn’t simply mean window dressing though. Training and support can help you make your business a welcoming place. If you need support, contact Liverpool BID and we can advise on dedicated training.

Hire or create LGBTQ+ leaders within your team. One of the most significant impacts of creating a safe space is that it gives individuals the confidence to have their voice heard. Elevating and celebrating your LGBTQ+ staff, in a way they are comfortable and confident with, is part of creating an inclusive workplace. Not everyone feels comfortable talking about themselves at work, but in business we know that part of creating a welcoming environment is about ensuring everyone has the opportunity to express themselves in the way they want to.

Partner with LGBTQ+ organisations locally. Co-hosting events or supporting the work of LGBTQ+ organsiations locally can be the most effective way to elevate the work done within the community. From Homotopia, the annual LGBTQ+ arts and culture festival in Liverpool, to Sahir House, a leading charity providing frontline services to those in Liverpool and Merseyside, especially within the LGBTQ+ community, there are organsiations that need business support. This might include funding, or it may be donating valuable time and expertise. Upskilling and supporting marginalised communities with commercial experience is a critical way of enhancing and making a movement sustainable in the longterm.

Share LGBTQ+ stories. Visibility is one of the most powerful ways equality can be achieved. Pride, as a protest, is powered by visibility. This humanises both experience and understanding, helping to empower communities both with empathy and solidarity. Sharing stories from within your business, or through your clients, can help to provide a valuable showcase for the city’s LGBTQ+ community, breaking both boundaries and stereotypes.

If you have any events or projects you want to share with Liverpool BID Company for Pride in Liverpool email us at