BID Safety Partnership
Merseyside Police Support & Partnership
The BID Safety Partnership ensures Liverpool is a thriving and vibrant destination. Working with Merseyside Police, Liverpool Nightlife CIC and Liverpool City Council. It consists of:
Two BID Police Officers
Liverpool BID Company fund two full-time Merseyside Police Officers, who provide BID Levy Payers with a direct response to non-emergency enquiries about safety, anti-social behaviour and security issues 7 days a week.
DISC Intelligence Sharing Platform
Which allows intelligence sharing across businesses in the city centre for both day time and night time economy businesses. DISC provides users with access to a number of image galleries where known and suspected offenders are on display. Here, security staff and other users can provide and share intelligence that will assist in identifying shoplifters, people committing ASB and other illegal activity.
Intelligence Sharing Briefings
Which discuss safety issues across the BID.
If you’re a Levy Payer and would like to learn more about the BID Safety Partnership, please get in touch here.
City Watch CCTV Support & Radio Link
City Watch officer
Who is funded by the BID to monitor the Radio Link network on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 11 am – 7pm, on Thursdays during retail hours from 12 noon – 8 pm and on Friday and Saturday evenings from 9 pm until 4 am.
BID Radio Link Network
With over 180 active businesses to provide reassurance and intelligence sharing, operating 24 hours a day, using high-quality digital radios that have access to the main city channel. Read a business Radio Link case study here.
If you want to join the service, for premises within the BID area there is a £189+vat one-off payment.
If your business is outside the BID area the cost is £189+vat and then £52 annually*
*A discount is applied to the annual fee if your business has other sites within the BID area – the annual fee would be £189+vat and then £26 annually.
For more information contact the Liverpool BID Company team at or 0151 703 2399.
BID Safety Partnership Resources
Take a look at our resource page for useful information, guideance and documents to support you through our BID Safety Partnership.
View BID Safety Partnership Resources here.